
➢ Male “Open Class” for all ages
➢ Female “Open Class” for all ages
➢ Male “Senior Class” for over 40 years old (40+)
➢ Female “Open Class” for over 40 years old (40+)

Participants are divided into 5 age categories. The year of birth determines the age category (not the full date of birth).
Category A: 18-30 years old
Category B: 31-40 years old
Category C: 41-50 years old
Category D: 51-60 years old
Category E: over 60 years old


Participation is open to all team members who are duly registered, have paid the registration fee
Individual competitions with separate female and male classification. Team competitions with separate female and male classification. Teams must consist of 3 players from the same club and must communicate no later than 15 days before the event. The following competitions take place: classic distance and sprint distance.
Unless otherwise specified in these regulations, the rules of the International Orienteering Federation apply.
Results: The results will be published on the official ECSG  app.
Complaints: All protests regarding the conduct of the Championship must be submitted in writing to the Race Judge within a maximum of 30 minutes after the end of the event.
Final provisions: Each participant travels and participates in the Games at his own expense and risk.
The organization provides first aid only. It is mandatory to always carry a copy of your personal insurance policy.